- Original painting, 20"w x 16"h acrylic
- Framed and ready to hang
- Local delivery or arrange for shipping
Skellig Michael
Skellig Michael Painting
County Kerry Ireland Painting
Leaning into her life, she felt her soul soar upwards, as if she were being stretched and pulled along by a conveyer belt, swept up into a long surrender to meet the truth her heart already knew. The mystical mountain isle breathed its life into her and, though she walked alone up its steep staircase, she knew there were a thousand angels singing as she made the climb.
Leaving all that was no longer needed behind, she was met with an eternal communion. The bread of life multiplied before her eyes, and the wine that is said to have flowed miraculously for the monks' daily mass seemed to flow down from the heavens to quench her thirsty soul. The clouds morphed into the shape of a rabbit, calling her back to innocence and the rebirth of a desire for life that would lead her on and back into this world where she would make her home again.
What does your soul remember?
What story of life is alive in you?
Stairway to Surrender is a Journeys series original Soul of Place painting from the County Kerry and Soul of Ireland collections by artist Dawn Richerson.
In the heart of the Emerald Isle, I was met with mystery and miracle. The soul of Ireland spoke to my soul, and I was forever changed.
{Ireland Originals} {Ireland Art Prints}
I'll meet you on the way!