"Each new painting is an invitation to the dance of your life. I hope these soul stories in paint connect you to the story of life alive in you."
DAWN RICHERSON is an artist inspired by the soul of place and the beauty, wonder. and mystery of the natural world. She is interested in the land and the memory it holds and in designs for life hidden in plain sight she sees in the soul of nature. Dawn's work is an invitation to ask what your soul remembers and to reconnect with the story of life alive in you.
Artist Bio
Dawn is inspired by the beauty, wonder, and mystery of the natural world. Her paintings explore the life of nature and the nature of life, combining earthy elegance with a touch of mystery and miracle. In her art practice, Dawn often begins with an immersive experience with land, sea, and sky, then deepens her exploration through sketches, poems, writing, and photography. Her paintings and artworks are an invitation to enter more fully into the experience of life and to remember the story of life alive in you.
Just before her 50th birthday, Dawn packed a suitcase and moved to Ireland for three years. The stories of life that rose up there inspired her to pick up a paintbrush. Since returning to the US, she has lived an unconventional life, following her deep love for nature, exploration, and creative expression while exploring places near and far. Nature, everyday miracles and the grace that rises up to meet us on the way inspire Dawn. On long walks in the woods, she often documents what she sees and experiences with photographs and journal entries. Her paintings are both an interpretation of and an invitation to the story of life unfolding around us and within us.
Exhibitions & Experience
- 2023 Aug-Oct Library of Virginia Exhibition: Virginia Stories, Richmond, VA
- 2023 Jun Jerry Goldstein Foundation: 2023 Grant Cycle, Raleigh, NC
- 2023 Mar-Apr Library of Virginia Exhibition: Virginia Stories, Richmond, VA
- 2023 Feb-Apr The Soul of Ireland Solo Show, ElectricCo Art Gallery, Bedford, VA
- 2022 Nov-2023 Jan Blue Ridge Blessings Solo Show, Bower Center for the Arts, Bedford, VA
- 2022 Feb-2023 Feb Emerging Artist in Residence, Bower Center for the Arts, Bedford, VA
- 2021 Dec Small Town, Small Works Juried Show, Reeves House, Woodstock, GA
- 2019 Apr Georgia Arts League Show, Honorable Mention, Poetry-inspired Painting, GA
- 2018 Oct Annual Art Exhibition, Quinlan Arts Center, Gainesville, GA
2018 Jun Juried Art Show, Bowen Center for the Arts, Dawsonville, GA
Artist Statement
So often, we move through life disconnected from what matters most. Exploring both inner and outer landscapes in my art, I draw on color, texture, and movement to convey the sweeping stories reflected in the land, sea, and sky around us. In my process, I also listen to the stories of life alive within me and those that rise up from the heart of humanity. I see art as invitation to life and a reconnection to what is alive inside. In many ways my paintings are openings or portals into new ways of seeing and experiencing life, moving through life, and returning to life.
I gather inspiration by seeking out a variety of experiences through exploration of places near and far, conversations and reconsiderations around our changing world, and long walks in the woods. I then create and share my interpretations of the designs for life hidden in plain sight I discover so that we might remember and reconnect to the essence of life.
In my practice I seek to see beauty, touch wonder, and dance with mystery and to allow that to inform where the work goes. I often weave writing, photography, and design into my process or explore a subject from multiple directions or through layers of interpretation. Through the use of texture, bold color choices, repetition and movement in my paintings, I seek to convey something of the beauty, wonder and mystery of life. In each phase of my process, I want to celebrate and honor life.
I believe my responsibility as an artist is to remain present to process and release all attachment to what presents. From sketches and photography to decisions about color and brushstroke, and also from my studio time and conversations with collectors and fellow creators, I want to come fully to life and inspire those who encounter my art to do the same.
Themes related to our collective experience and sustainable systems and structures to support flourishing humanity also inform my work. While so much is in flux in our world, I believe we are creating a new society. Our capacity to connect to and share dreams of a new world will support us as we find a whole new way forward together.
4 Pillars of Purpose in My Art & Soul Life

ART AS INVITATION TO LIFE. My paintings invite you to connect to your essential story of life. By exploring inner and outer landscapes, from the territory of my soul and the soul of place, I as the artist connect to the movement of Spirit through life. I accept the invitation into life and seek to move with it. But the story is only complete when you enter into a sacred conversation with your heart and soul. My deep desire is that you say yes to the dance of your life as you engage with my paintings, which are variations on the theme of life.
What is the opening to a sacred conversation you see within this painting? What is your soul whispering to you in this moment?

ART AS RECONNECTION TO WHAT MATTERS MOST. Those who have my artwork in their homes often tell me that the paintings offer a daily reconnection to wholeness and invite them more deeply in to life, creation and recreation. Collectors experience a renewed sense of connection to life and the life more abundant. My greatest joy in life is simply in being on the way and my intention is to convey this in each and every painting. I want to invite YOU to experience the wonder as life rises up to meet you on your way.
How does each painting and soul story reconnect you to the life within you? How does it help bring you into harmony with what is most true in the life around you?

ART AS TOUCHING BEAUTY. For most of life, I have been terrified to create, mostly because everything was so beautiful. So many stories lived inside of me. Everything seemed a reconnection to those larger-than-life stories and I just didn't know what to do with them. And then there was how overwhelmed I was by the sheer wonder of life and the breathtaking beauty in the simplest of moments. So often, we move through life disconnected from what matters most. I hope my paintings help connect you to who you are and who you came to be.
How will you dare to touch beauty today? Can you allow the terror to be a path back to life, to your essential truth and the beauty of who you are?

ART AS CELEBRATION OF WONDER AND MYSTERY. I am most delighted when those who engage with my paintings allow them to be a touchstone that reconnects them with the wonder and mystery of life. My heart's desire is that my art leads you toward the full reclamation and radiant realization of who you are and who we are together. Each day, look for wonder. Celebrate life and the revelation of a mystery. Notice how life is working in your favor today and every day.
What do you see? What does your soul remember? What new experience of radiant expansion is life inviting you to right now?