Journeys, Workshops, Course Reviews


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ONLINE JOURNEYS. A Daily, No-Matter-What Spiritual Practice. I wanted you to know that I love love love the 21 Days series. My aim has been to have a daily, no-matter-what spiritual practice. This has been a tremendous help and the SEEDS questions and ideas coming from the videos and other writings have provided fodder for journaling work long into the future. So I am trusting that after 21 days it will be a habit. The red balloon exercise filled a legal pad front and half of the back with ideas and questions. This approach is definitely new and enlightening. Rock on you bold and beautiful soul.  P.B.

ONLINE JOURNEYS. Powerful Online Course—Thanks for Being a Great Guest Teacher. I have been slowly watching the videos of your online course and just wanted to say how powerful it is and how much I am enjoying it. Thank you for being such a great guest teacher.  S.G.

ONLINE JOURNEYS. The Spiritual Council Course: I am loving it! It fit in perfectly with another coaching assignment, so those mentors are on my council. I haven't gotten as far as having a meeting but have just sat with them all and made sure that it is a comfortable fit. I'll share when I everyone is seated!  S.W.

ONLINE PROGRAMS. Pain to Purpose Is Wonderful! You've tapped into something... I have been so impressed by how much content you have generously provided in your Pain to Purpose Transformation Circle! It is so organized and really wonderful! I think you have tapped into something very, very powerful.  A.M.

ONLINE PROGRAMS. Wonderful Flow of Writing Streamed Almost Effortlessly. I love Dawn's work. In one of her audios, there were many things that really hit a chord with me. One memorable quote I wrote down for myself was: "As you journey the path of healing and connection, you must learn to tell the truth about who you are. You must acknowledge the whole truth of what has been, including your deepest secrets and wounds. You must embrace your unique brilliance and mission." I listened to Dawn's audio over and over to let her message sink in, and finally I was able to put into words something I've never been able to before. I'm so thankful for Dawn's guidance and inspiration that helped me get to the point of a wonderful flow of writing that streamed almost effortlessly.  W.F.

IN-PERSON WORKSHOPS. Feeling Lighter & Jucier After Heartland Workshop! Dawn, I really enjoyed our time with you. I left feeling lighter and juicier. Thanks a bunch! If you come back, I'd like to be there.  J.S.

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