For Agents & Publishers
Books from the Soul for the Soul by Dawn
Dawn is the relentlessly authentic author of books on soul growth and radiant expansion in life and life's work. She is inspired by nature, everyday miracles, and the grace that rises up to meet us on the way. Her writing is a celebration of being on the way and invites readers into the dance of their lives. Her books and online journeys introduce ideas and approaches for coming fully to LIFE + Living In Full Expression.
Dawn is the founder of the Life Path Online Learning Center, where she leads online journeys to support your full thriving. She is the creator of Lifeseeds, a core curriculum to come to LIFE + Live In Full Expression.
Dawn’s books support the full reclamation and radiant realization of who we are, individually and collectively, and the radiant expansion in life and life’s work from within. Her books reconnect you to your essential self, journey, and truth and help you awaken the world within, find your forward flow, and embrace a new vision for the nexus of change in your life and life’s work.
The books and journeys she shares explore three broad pathways to greater meaning, movement, and forward momentum. Passionate about an inside-out approach to life, Dawn believes that as we awaken the world within, find our forward flow in life, and embrace a new vision for change, we not only make a way for a whole new way of seeing ourselves, being ourselves, and freeing ourselves, but also ultimately open up new possibilities for flourishing humanity.
The creator of hundreds of creative tools, anchors, and systems for flourishing in life and business, Dawn's work supports creative, visionary, and soul-inspired women who want a deeper, truer, fuller experience of life and life’s work.
Known as an innovator and original thinker in her work and writing, Dawn is passionate about an inside-out approach to life and life’s work. When she's not writing or editing, you can find her in nature, dreaming about and creating new worlds.
My Work + Agent Representation
Here's a video I made back in 2016 with an overview of my work. The overall theme of all my work is about a life fully lived. Download Content Map to see how books fit together. To date, I have focused on writing and sharing but have never partnered with an agent or publisher. I feel strongly that now is the time to do that.
Book Collections and Series by Dawn
I organize my work as an author into three key categories.
- Lifeseeds (Series: Cultivating Essence, Seeds for Life, Collective Pathways, Sustainable Systems, Flourishing Humanity): books in this category are general personal growth, self-help and spirituality in terms of genre and provide practical pathways for life thriving, individually and collectively
- Spiritual Experience / Memoir (Series: Heartland, Healing Streams, Essays from the Edge, Faithscapes, Letters to the Church): books in this category trace personal experiences and often touch on soul growth, what I call soul memories, and themes related to spirituality
- Art & Soul (Series: Photography, Art, Soul Essence Art): books in this category include own creative offerings or are in the creativity category and often intersect with self-help, healing and personal growth categories
Dawn Richerson Publishing Credits
2020 12 Doors of Abundance: Echoes of Avalon
2020 Sacred Partnership: 7 Pillars for the Radical Redefinition of Relationship
2019 True Identity: The Radical Reclamation of the True Self through 12 Photographs
2018 Birds of a Feather: 33 Essential Qualities for Thriving Together
2017 A Reconciliation of Light: Soul of Ireland Photographs
2015 Seeds for Life: The Lifeseeds Core Curriculum for Living In Full Expression
2015 Energetic Perspectives: A Soul Essence Art {SEA} In-the-Round Coloring Book
2015 All Systems Go: Fine-Tune Your Life and Reconnect to What Matters Most
2014 Journey to the Heartland: A Spiritual Memoir on Life and the Desire for It
2012 Awakening the World Within: Cultivating Essence from the Matrix of Soul (Book 1/3)
1999 Journey to Sacred Wholeness: A Testimony of Healing and Faith
1999 From the Heart of a Child: Meditations for Everyday Living (published New Hope Publishers, rights reassigned)
1996 To Sin by Silence: 7 Conspiracies and 7 Questions
New Work / Proposals Available
- LIFESEEDS SERIES Cultivating Essence from the Matrix of Soul, Awakening the World Within, Finding Our Forward Flow, Embracing a New Vision, Seeds for Life, LIFE: The Big Picture Book, The Lifeseeds Core Connection Kit and more
- SUSTAINABLE SYSTEMS SERIES 24-Book Sustainable Systems Series
- HEARTLAND SERIES / SPIRITUAL MEMOIR Light in the Forest, Forty Shades of Green
- ESSAYS Edgewalker: Essays from the Edge
- How to Call Out and Access Your Spiritual Council
- FLOURISHING HUMANITY Holy Terror: Soul Restoration, the Inner Terrorist, the Healing of Humanity (9/11 experience)
- Word Play (Gift/Inspirational)
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