Product Detail
- photo print with 1/2" white border
- printed on satin lustre paper
- frame: contemporary gallery style, black
In abstract patterns of peach and teal, formed by peeling paint on the picnic table where she sat, they emerged. Like lightning, they flew down the open road in search of the life they'd always dreamed of living but never until this moment felt possible.
Funny, how the things they thought had mattered faded and how far they could see now that they flew fast to their dreams and chose to leave it behind.
What is your essential story of life?
What is alive in you?
This image is from the Life & Art in the Time of Coronavirus {Everyday Moments} Collection, inspired by everyday art and inspiration found along the way and in ordinary moments during a period of restricted movements. We may be sheltering in place or on “lockdown” but I choose freedom. I choose love. I choose life and art, beauty and truth, which can be found in the everyday and in the ordinary, whatever our current circumstance.