- 12"w x 9"h acrylic painting, framed to 16"w x 12"h, ready to hang
Painted in a blue moment, "Song of Her Sinking" offers a visual interpretation of the feeling of constriction in a life where one's true heart is sinking in a sea of this life's predictable conditioning. Like the Titanic, she has tipped in a straight-jacket world that has no need of her.
The snake at home in the garden here had long-since devoured her strength. Gone blue in time and the remembrance of lilac and lavender lost in the deep and tumultuous seas of her heart, she considers all the platitudes they spoon fed her upon her arrival:
Stay busy as the beaver; work hard and you will receive your reward. Sit up straight and listen up girl: do as I say for this is the way it’s done down here. Stay in the lines and don’t venture out too far: you will be swallowed whole. Stay in line and march at the pace society dictates: to do anything other is to doom yourself to a sure and early demise.
The echoes are insistent. Still, she stretches as far as she can stretch, longing for one last glimpse of the lavender love she always held in her heart, now become an iceberg. She gasps for the remembrance of what it was to breathe in life and sinks to the strains of a beautiful song no one else hears. Her heart will go on and on and on.
What is your essential story of life?
What is alive in you?
This acrylic painting is from the All She Could Not Say series of paintings in the Spirited Life collection. Connect to your essential story of life and the story of life alive in you.