The Creative Revolutions Credo

CREATIVE REVOLUTIONS is the name I chose as an umbrella business name for my work in the world. It started way back in the late 90s and this is the credo that has guided me through it all. I'm still a free-spirited creative revolutionary harnessing creative power from within to share seeds for life through creative offerings, from paintings, patterns and photography to books, poems and journeys that support you as you come to LIFE + Live In Full Expression. I also share tips and tools for connected creativity and creative thriving in life & life's work.

Read my credo below and then craft your credo

Dawn's Creative Revolutions Whole LIFE Credo
The Core Philosophy That Guides Me in Life & Life's Work

a whole new youa whole new way forward. a whole new world.

You are a dynamic and sustainable system, coordinated power harnessed from within and you are here to come fully to LIFE—to Live In Full Expression, to experience life and the life more abundant. It's time for all systems go life, for meaning, movement, and forward momentum. No more holding back! You have a particular Play of Light, an essential Story of Life to share with the world, fine gifts of original design intended to be used to spark a Revolution of Love that only you can spark.

So, here's the thing: your heart knows there's more. Your soul desires much more than simple reinvention. You want the revelation of a mystery, a radical restoration, a creative revolution. There's a fire burning. There's a new wind blowing. Will you dare to spark your revolution of love? And, yes! I said "LOVE" actually. Love is who you are and it's time for radiant expansion in your life and in your life's work.

We begin from the inside out. Are you ready to become the powerful agent of change you were born to be? Explore. Discover. Create. Connect. That's the Creative Revolutions Cycle of change. Say YES to the whole of your life. LIFE—Living In Full Expression every day, one moment at a time. By supporting you in a variety of ways, Creative Revolutions is ultimately about connecting you to YOU. It reconnects you to Your Essential Self, Your Essential Journey, Your Essential Truth, because that is #whatmattersmost.

Our work in the world flows from 1 credo, from 3 soul pathways, and from 24 LIFE Systems for radiant expansion in life and life's work. The tools and systems we share are multidimensional pathways to purpose that form the underlying matrix (a matrix of soul) that supports our work in the world together. We believe in beginning with soul and bringing strategy with our own blend of innovation, intuition and creativity. 

we are on the way together

Welcome to the new world!

The world changes when you say yes to
a whole new way of seeing yourself,
being yourself and freeing yourself.

We are ON THE WAY with you.
Our vision is
 your full thriving.

This credo is our commitment
to walk alongside you, to celebrate beauty
and to offer support that is 
soulful & strategic
as you expand radiantly from within. 

who we are + how we connect

We say YES to LIFE and the life more abundant, coming fully to this one, shining life, living fully one day at a time, one moment at a time.

We stand for rainbow days when you can taste technicolor raindrops and burst into song and dance, because baby you’re amazed at the whole enchilada. We live for that moment when you see with the eyes of the heart that you have wings and rivers of miracles running through your heart. 

We value curiosity, experimentation, ideas and innovation. Stay flexible. Stay open. Stay curious. 

Not only do we not think it will not kill the cat; we also believe it opens doors to unimagined possibility and not just a better mousetrap, but a whole new world. We try new things. It doesn’t always look smooth or clean. We may not make sense to many people.

There’s a know sense beyond the nonsense, and we ask you to trust yourself and trust life as, together, we try a brand new way.

We’ll share our IDEAS for life and life’s work, and we hope some of those insights, directions, explorations, actions, and systems offer some help as you find a new way forward.

Creativity is our currency. A revolution of love is the dream that’s coming true right now, for you, for me, for every single one of us.

When we meet at the place where our daring adventures with the new lead us into an exploration of the territory of the soul, we expand radiantly and birth new creative revolutions into the world. Even when we’re not always sure what’s next, you can count on us to walk in the way that opens up. We'll be right there with you.

We are explorers of the waymapmakers, journey guides, interpreters of an infinite grace in which we are always held.

It’s not acceptable that so much is lost in translation simply because some of us have lost our way. We’ll do what we can to offer a new perspective, trusting your soul’s knowing to find and follow the path to your NOW — that Next Opportunity Window that will open the way of miracles.

World-wide, wide-eyed wonder is what we’re after, every single day, every single minute—this and nothing less.

We believe this is the new “www” to connect our hearts and usher in a whole new way of seeing ourselves, a whole new way of being ourselves, and a whole new way of freeing ourselves. Essentially, we want to surprise you. We’ll begin to do that with a few introductions, helping you connect to your essential self, your essential journey, and your essential truth. We’ll do that by offering tools, anchors, and systems that will let each one of you connect to and create something of extraordinary beauty.

What matters most to you matters to us. We’ll help you reclaim lost visions and reconnect to dreams you thought had died.

Best of all, we’ll be here to champion your creative revolutions, helping you connect your revolution of love to a thirsty world. We'll help you share your dream for the world through one-of-a-kind communication that’s crystal clear and rings true to the whole of who you are and all the reasons you and your visionary business or organization are here.

We believe radiant expansion and exponential growth are your birthright. You are deserving of this and so much more.

Furthermore, you have everything you need within. We just want to help you awaken to that and find your flow from this new fertile crescent of hope for humanity that begins right there inside your heart, flowing through you and spilling out like a cascading waterfall of love.

The miracle is you! You come bearing fine gifts of original design, sacred seeds of essence meant to be shared here and now.  

We will plant our seeds and watch them grow, delighting in all the beautiful lines that connect us one to the other in this beautiful life. We delight in the honor of bearing witness to your beautiful process of being and becoming, and we’re happy to be on the way with you and the dynamic and sustainable system you are, fueled from within, a bearer of light, life, and love in this sacred place and time in this world we spin with for a time.

Consider your credo. Then, bring it to life! You'll be amazed at all the ways YOU come to LIFE + Live In Full Expression when you do.

We're here to help in any way we can. Connect here to work with us in the following ways: 

Celebrating YOU and all you bring to this life. Every day.

I'll meet you on the way,

Dawn Richerson
CEO, Creative Revolutions Inc.
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